I used one of these for my 2 year olds trip to South Africa (from NZ). We practiced before we left and Miss 2 loved wearing her matching 'bracelet' that Mummy was wearing too. So easy to get her to wear it when we were in the airport and huge malls in SA. No tanty's at all. Very easy to pack too. - Lisa
My 3 year old runs off without warning and I was so pleased I had this safety harness. He was happy to wear it, I didn't have to worry about him running off and we got through check-in and customs and onto the plane without any dramas. I have used it over and over since at the mall and markets. Great product! - Julie
Works just as we want it to. My little escape artist can't run away from us now and I don't have to worry we'll lose him (or worse). He loves wearing it. - Kelly
Used it when we traveled overseas last Christmas. Fantastic idea. Oscar took to it straight away. Airport, customs etc was much less stressful. - Annabel
I use one with my 3 year old when I travel back to China. I don't have to worry about him when he is wearing it. - Jia